Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations No. 1, 2025
All scientific articles submitted to the journal must undergo review. The journal employs "double-blind reviewing" (the reviewer does not know the author of the article, and the author does not know the reviewer). Formulations and materials presented do not always reflect the position of the journal and do not obligate the editorial board. Authors are fully responsible for the content of the articles. © "Moldovan Journal of International Law and International Relations," 2006-2024. All rights reserved.
- ABRAMOVA Iuliana International strategies for mainstreaming gender equality and women's rights in national legislation 53
- PATRICHEEV Iurie From full to limited: understanding sovereignty in the context of russian imperialism in Eastern Europe 61
- PETRIC Valeria Legal regulation of artificial intelligence in international trade 72
- PUPIK Andrej The Slovak state 1939 1945 and the persecution of the roma minority 83
- RESHETNIKOVA Victoria International legal regulation of integration of migrants children into the educational environment. Overview of national practices 96
- VALJENTOVÁ Tímea Media as architects of public opinion: their im pact on society and politics 108