REQUIREMENTS for Formatting Articles for Publication in the "Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations"
The scientific-theoretical journal "Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations" accepts articles for publication in Moldovan (Romanian), Russian, English, Spanish, French, German (at the author's choice) languages, containing the results of original research, formatted according to the "Requirements for Formatting Articles." The editorial board of the "Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations" accepts manuscripts for publication that correspond to the publication profiles, not exceeding 20 pages, including figures and tables. The manuscript should contain only original material conducted at a high scientific level, reflecting the author's research results completed no more than a year before publication and containing an obvious element of creating new knowledge. Materials previously unpublished and not intended for simultaneous publication in other publications are accepted for printing. Articles undergo mandatory review, in accordance with Appendix 3. For graduate students (applicants), a review by the scientific supervisor is mandatory. Only articles with positive reviews are published. No fee is paid for publications. These rules apply to all materials submitted to the journal for publication. The editorial board has the right not to accept materials for publication in case of: a) non-compliance by the author with the rules for formatting the manuscript; b) identification of elements of plagiarism; c) inconsistency of the material with the journal's topics. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the editorial board has the right not to consider the manuscript. The editorial board reserves the right, if necessary, to shorten articles, subjecting them to editorial editing, and make editorial changes (not changing the general meaning) to the author's original. The editorial board may publish materials without endorsing the author's point of view (pending discussion). Authors are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the presented facts, quotes, and other information. Only one article by one author can be published in one journal issue. The number of authors of the article should not exceed two people. The author(s) send two copies of the article (signed by the author) in printed form to the editorial office and send the article in electronic form by email to:, The volume of the article should not exceed 1.5 printed pages of A4 format (60,000 characters, or 16-20 pages of text), including tables, bibliography, and figures (schemes). When formatting bibliographic references in English, it is necessary to specify the official English names of journals. To place an article in the journal, it is necessary to submit an application, information about the author(s), the article, a photo of the author(s) in JPG format, an annotation (summary) presented in three languages (Romanian, Russian, English) with a volume of up to 100 words, keywords (5-7 words). The annotation should not contain references to cited literature, figures, or tables. Information about the author(s) includes: full names, place of work, position, academic degree, academic title, postal address, email address, and contact phone number. The author's full name should be indicated under the title of the article on the right.
Technical Requirements for Manuscript Formatting for Publication:
The article title should not exceed three lines. The title should be in uppercase (Times New Roman 16) and centered. Literary sources used in the article should be presented in a common list at the end (Bibliography). The bibliography is provided after the article text in accordance with Appendix 2. References to the cited literature in the text are mandatory and should be formatted at the bottom of the page in accordance with Appendix 1. References to foreign sources are given in the foreign language and, if translated into Romanian and Russian, accompanied by an indication of the translation. Source numbering is in the order of mention in the text. References to unpublished works are not allowed. The bibliography is given in alphabetical order by the surnames of the first authors. Abbreviations and acronyms should be deciphered at the first mention in the article text. In the texts in Romanian, English, French, and Spanish, use German quotes („quotes”), and in the Russian text, use French quotes («quotes»).
Page Parameters:
The document must be saved in MS Word format. Page format A4; page margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, right — 1.5 cm, left — 3 cm. Font - Times New Roman; font size — 12; line spacing — 1.5. Justified alignment, left indent — 1.5. Page numbering — continuous, at the bottom, centered.
Text Formatting:
The use of manual hyphenation is unacceptable. Figures and tables should have numerical and thematic titles and should be presented in the text after the paragraphs containing references to them.
Author's Copies:
Each author is entitled to one author's copy of the journal issue regardless of the number of article authors.
Example of Bibliographic Footnotes Formatting:
In bibliographic footnotes, punctuation marks and prescribed punctuation should follow the same rules as in bibliographic description. If the text is quoted not from the primary source but from another document, the beginning of the reference should include the words: Quoted from:, Cited from:, with an indication of the source of borrowing:
Formatting Example:
Quoted from: Krupyanco M.I., Areshidze L.G. USA and East Asia. Struggle for the "new order." Moscow: International Relations, 2010, p. 325.
Gadzhiev K.S. Geopolitics. Textbook for bachelors. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2012, p. 27.
Ibid., p. 47. or Ibid., p. 47.
Zhinkina Yu.V. Russia's security strategy: problems of conceptual apparatus formation. Moscow: Russian Scientific Fund, 1995, p. 87.
Zhinkina Yu.V. Cited work, p. 67. or Zhinkina Yu.V. Op. cit., p. 65.
Formatting Example:
Gadzhiev K.S. Geopolitics. Textbook for bachelors. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House, 2012. 479 p.
Formatting Example:
David G. Victor ... [et al.]. Natural gas and geopolitics: from 1970 to 2040. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xxv + 508 p.
Formatting Example:
Konobeev V.N. U.S. Geostrategy in Eurasia. In: Problems of Management. 2008, No.1 (26), p. 87 – 97.
Formatting Example:
Ganyukhina T.G. Modification of PVC properties in the synthesis process: thesis ... candidate of chemical sciences: 02.00.06. N. Novgorod, 1999. 109 p.
Formatting Example:
Zhukov E.N. Political centrism in Russia: abstract of diss. ... candidate of philosophical sciences. Moscow, 2000. 24 p.
Formatting Example:
China is taking the "right side of history" in the Persian Gulf. In: World Politics and Resources. [Online]: (Accessed: 07.01.2012).
In consecutive footnotes containing a record of the same document, not following the primary reference, provide the title, and replace the main title and subsequent repeating elements with the words "Ibid." for documents in languages using Latin graphics:
In subsequent footnotes containing a record of the same document, not following the primary reference, provide the title, and replace the main title and subsequent repeating elements with the words "Cited work," "Quoted work," "Op. cit.":
Examples of Bibliography Formatting:
The bibliography is provided after the article text and follows the word "Bibliography." All references in the list are sequentially numbered and arranged in alphabetical order.
Book by a Single Author:
Book by Four or More Authors
Journal Article Description:
For a journal article, specify the author(s) of the article, the title of the article, the journal title, year, issue number, and page range of the article.
Description of Dissertations
Description of Dissertation Abstracts:
Description of Electronic Scientific Publications:
For electronic sources, specify almost the same data as for journals: author, article title, website (or website section) name, and URL. The record must include the text [Online:], when referring to an electronic resource after the electronic address, provide information about the date of accessing the electronic network resource (after the words "date of access," indicate the day, month, and year): (Accessed: 02.03.2012)