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Article by Ioan Ticu

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Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations

Phenomenon of Migration and National Security of the Republic of Moldova

Author: Ioan Ticu

JEL Classification: K33

Universal Decimal Classification: 341.1/.8; 341.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61753/1857-1999/2345-1963/2023.18-1.05

Ioan Ticu – Ph.D. student, European University of Moldova (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova), Deputy Director-General, Main Department of Social Assistance and Child Protection (Iasi, Romania).


Email: ticuioan70@yahoo.com

Keywords: national security, migration, illegal migration, territorial integrity, counter-terrorism, Eastern Partnership.


The article analyzes the connections between migration and security, ensuring the effective functioning of the national security system. These connections include sovereignty—ensuring constitutional rights and personal freedom; maintaining territorial integrity and the ability to protect border areas; identifying, forecasting, and taking measures to combat crime; ensuring the comfortable and safe life of citizens; developing and implementing anti-terrorism programs; international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and transnational crime; and control of the export/import of goods, control of weapons of mass destruction. Both European Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership frameworks encompass a wide range of cooperation, including security and migration issues through developed projects. Aligning the national security agenda with new conceptual views on migration is a strategic opportunity for the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova and an imperative for internal socio-economic policy.