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Article by Vladimir Dergachev

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Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations

Geopolitical Forecasting in the Era of Global Instability. Stakes Higher Than Peace

Author: Vladimir Dergachev

JEL Classification: F15, F52

Universal Decimal Classification: 327.38

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61753/1857-1999/2345-1963/2023.18-1.03

Vladimir Alexandrovich Dergachev – Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Professor, Geopolitics Expert, Chief Editor, Author, and Owner of the "Institute of Geopolitics" Internet portal.


Email: admin@dergachev.org

Keywords: Civil process, principle, adversarial, equality, justice, functional, stage.


In the era of global instability and geopolitical transformation, three main subjects of international relations stand out – the USA, China, Russia, and numerous objects for creating "managed chaos" centers, including Ukraine, around Taiwan and Israel. In the shadows remains an illegal subject of international relations – American neoconservatives, conditionally playing the role of a "world government." The peculiarity of all these actors is an unwavering confidence in victory. Their stakes are higher than peace.