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Article by BELOVA Miroslava

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Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations


Author: PALINCHAK Mykola, BIELOVA Myroslava

JEL Classification: K40

Universal Decimal Classification: 340.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61753/1857-1999/2345-1963/2023.18-2.02

Mykhail Palinchak – Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor at the Faculty of International Economic Relations, "Uzhhorod National University" (Uzhhorod, Ukraine).


Email: mykola.palinchak@uzhnu.edu.ua

Miroslava Belova – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law and Comparative Law, "Uzhhorod National University" (Uzhhorod, Ukraine).


Email: myroslavabelova@gmail.com

Keywords: concept of reception, legal and constitutional phenomenon, Eurointegration processes, European Union.


The article raises the question of understanding the concept of "reception" as one of the factors in the development of constitutional and legal thought. Various opinions of scholars about the understanding of the concept of "reception" and its influence on the formation of modern legal society are studied. In the course of the research, the author considered the concept of reception, its components, and the characteristics of the studied process, the influence on the formation of constitutional and legal ideas, and the consequences of its influence on Ukraine. The doctrinal interpretations of reception as a general legal and constitutional phenomenon are of a controversial nature, which allows us to speak about the ambiguity and heterogeneity of understanding this legal category. Therefore, the study of reception and the definition of the doctrinal understanding of this constitutional and legal phenomenon is an urgent problem that has a range of both general theoretical and practical research.