about the reviewing of scientific articles in „Moldavian Journal of International Law and International Relations”

  1. Scientific articles undergo a four-level review process in the journal: 1. Review by the main editor (double-blind). 2. Open peer review (author and reviewer know each other). 3. Single-blind review. 4. Double-blind review (both parties are unaware of each other's identity).
  2. Each scientific article must have reviews from different levels, including open and closed reviews.
  3. All submitted articles undergo mandatory double-blind external review by experts chosen by the editorial board.
  4. The editorial board evaluates reviews for the relevance of the author's scientific problem, theoretical or applied significance, and adherence to scientific concepts.
  5. Final decisions on publication or rejection are made based on the reviews. Authors receive feedback on the decision.
  6. The editorial board may send articles for additional external anonymous review.
  7. Positive reviews do not guarantee publication; the editorial board makes the final decision.
  8. In case of substantial criticisms and an overall positive recommendation, the material may be considered for publication as part of a scientific discussion.
  9. Original reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal.